I have made a promise to myself in October 2024 to post at least once a month on the blog but I didn’t keep that promise, turns out one of the coolest characters in tv shows have blogs (Sherlock Holmes from Sherlock, Barney Stinson from How I met your Mother etc…), so what am I doing not writing in my blog?
I’m late but it’s my blog I can do whatever I want.
As I’m writing this, I wrote 2024 all over, I guess this problem of missing the date at the start of the year will haunt me till I’m dead.
Goal setting
I didn’t achieve most of my goals the year of 2024, I reckon it’s one of these two reasons :
- Too many goals in mind
- Most of my goals in 2024, were sabotaged beacuase of my studies
What did I achieve
I made some very good habits that I stuck to the whole year, like working out and ditched some bad habits like mindless media consumption as well as other ones.
I learned many skills on the technical aspect.
2025 Mindset
Now that I’m conscious about consumption, this year I will create more than I consume.
Creation is the bold act of adding to the world what is uniquely yours; consumption is merely borrowing the fruits of others’ courage. - Someone
2025 is different
In opposition to 2024, this year I have some sense of accountability, this post will be rendered to the internet and will be forver there, if some of you folks reading this (I don’t think anyone will) and see that I haven’t achieved my goals at the end of the year, email me “Loser” my email is available at the about page.
2025 is doing what I’ve planning but never did in 2024, I have no excuses now that I have completed my bachelor degree, and I have nothing that’s taking my time, I can just focus on learning and creating fun stuff now.
Final Notes
I have noticed that when, I’m writing here I’m not sharing too much stuff (or sharing but not in details), maybe I’m still a newbie on the internet and I will open up as the time goes on, I mean its not like someone will read this crap.